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Here in the Red Sea, in Hurghada, Egypt, our diving academy offers diving courses all year round, trough out the season.

From the first Level, the Open Water Diver course for beginners and with fun to the professional level Dive master course and Instructor development course.

So you can find your way and

If you want change your career, to work in all diving centers around the world.
Our diving school in Hurghada, Red Sea, will give you all the service.
Professional guides and diving instructors work here.

Join us and see it with your own eyes.
Hurghada offers diving courses and professional services in the training time, the dive sites,
look forward to the beauty and interesting Red Sea and our training.
All PADI specialties courses are available:
Wreck PADI diving specialty course, Night dive PADI specialty course, Deep dive PADI specialty course, …..

Diving safaris and much more are possible.


We invite you to our PADI Diving Academy  to learn with us to explore the Red Sea.

Here you will always find the best training experience for you!
Our training takes place from 4 places:
Classroom – swimming pool – shore, diving academy – boat dive sites.
We use standard PADI diving through interesting and safe ways.
Discover and experience your passion for diving after diving training here in the Red Sea from professional Instructors.

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